Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mailing List Only Freebie

Happy Thursday everyone!

The members of my mailing list just got a set of 9 bows that I created while writing a new action for Photoshop.

The set that they got contained all of the bows pictured above, plus the ones I made while trying to figure out the darn action.

Here's how these things work with me:
Step 1: Create a bow while recording the action
Step 2: Save the bow
Step 3: Re-run the action to see if it will work again.
Step 4: Pound head against desk and stomp around office fiercely because the action does not work.
Step 5: Start over, OR if I can figure out where the action went wrong, hooray and I can start from there.
Step 6: Save new bow created during this run-through.
Step 7: Run action and start cursing when it fails again
Repeat, ad nauseum....

So, I decided to give my mailing listers the elements that I create whenever I write a new action. So they got the set of 9 - 3 different bows that have slight variations, and then 6 that are the same but with different colors. Essentially, the action finally worked on my 4th try!

For those of you not on the mailing list, alas, you cannot get the set of bows for free. However, all is not lost, for you can buy the action at Magickal Scraps for only $3! Make all the bows you want with your background paper collection!

In other news, I had a virus last week on my computer, and finally got it resolved. If you are looking for a good free malware sniffer program, I highly recommend A-Squared. You can get it here. It got rid of my nasty problem and I can now fire Photoshop up without worrying about my computer collapsing from exhaustion.

Have a great week everyone, and happy scrapping!

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